The Purpose Behind Winds Against the Mind
The purpose of this book is to promote a better understanding of the common mental health problems that affect the quality of our daily lives. These illnesses may also limit our ability to reach our potential or to be the best that we can be. They may constantly affect our interpersonal relationships with other people around us as well. Winds Against the Mind presents the understanding of the most common mental health problems to the general public in an easy to understand format.
In this informative book, total wellness is defined as "the harmony between the undisturbed mind and the body". A lot of emphasis is usually placed on physical wellness and external beauty in most societies; the truth is that mental wellness and physical wellness go hand in hand- you cannot separate one from the other.
In a reader friendly format, the true stories of the day to day struggles of those who live or lived with these illnesses; and the pain of their loved ones who care or cared for them are discussed. This was followed by a simplified explanation of the basic understanding of the illness, which gives those who are not in the medical or psychiatric field a good understanding and insight into some of the factors that are responsible for these problems. The book is written from a voice of advocacy and compassion. Each story closes with a message of hope by adding quotes of encouragement. The book encourages individuals and families to access resources and restore balance and health into their lives. Causes, symptoms, presentations, descriptions, treatment options, prognosis, and resources are all discussed.
Part of the goal of this book is to remove the "stereotyping" and "stigma" attached to mental health issues, and to emphasize that mental health problems should not be seen as something shameful, scary, evil, or a curse. Challenges with our mental health must not be seen as a "character flaw" or a "sign of weakness". The mention of the word "mental health problems" should not induce "fear" or "agitation" in us, because most of the people battling with these problems do not look "scary'' or frightening.
The brain, which controls the mind, is an organ of the body, just as the liver, kidneys or pancreas. When people have diabetes, something could be wrong with the pancreas and they would probably not feel ashamed to ask for insulin to control their blood sugar. Likewise, people with hypertension or high blood pressure may have a kidney that is not pumping water out of the body effectively. They would not be ashamed to request water pills and other medications to control their blood pressure. However, when the brain, an organ of the body, is not functioning well, people feel ashamed to discuss their problems. The fact is that the majority of these mental health problems are treatable like diabetes and hypertension. If one can talk freely about diabetes and hypertension, we should be able to talk freely about depression and bipolar without being ashamed.
Most households have been touched directly or indirectly by one or more of the most common mental health problems discussed in the book such as depression, bipolar, Alzheimer's disease, addiction, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, (OCD), generalized anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and other illnesses.
If you see yourself or someone you know in the stories, don't feel alone, take the next step and get help. Anyone can experience challenges with their mental health irrespective of their ethnic and socio-economic background. If we keep an open mind, and put all our resources together, we can prevent many tragedies, have healthier minds, bodies, families, communities and nations. Reflect upon the stories and pursue the solutions.